Seattle Nativity School uses the standards for student learning from the nationally recognized Common Core State Standards developed in 2009. Additionally, we align our Science standards with Next Generation Science Standards. The combination of standards provides a thorough framework for academic achievement and student success. Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Program Our academic program is structured with block schedules and includes an extended day. Each block is equivalent to two periods in a traditional schedule. Block scheduling is advantageous to the students allowing uninterrupted time for focus on complex topics, subject mastery and project completion. Our extended day provides the structure for students to complete homework and seek individual direction from teachers and aides. The combination of block scheduling and extended day are part of student success in the Nativity model of schools nationally. 9:1 With a student to teacher ratio that is 9:1, each student receives individualized and differentiated instruction. Our faculty has over 30 years of combined teaching experience. The low student:teacher ratio fosters both an environment for positive student/teacher relationships as well as opportunities for differentiated instruction. |
Integrated Curriculum and S T E M
(Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) At Seattle Nativity School, our cross-curricular approach integrates all subjects woven throughout the day. For example, applying a scientific theory to literature and language arts and applying literacy techniques to inferences in mathematics. We also prepare students academically for the 21st century careers in a world that is increasingly technology focused. Our STEM curriculum offers a variety of technology and engineering experiences integrated in every subject including basic computer skills and proficiency. Our elective courses in Robotics and Animation blend coding, creative story telling, engineering and mathematics. Science includes hands-on experiments, research and analysis. Our approach to STEM instills confidence and enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Mathematics
Our Mathematics curriculum is a blend of Singapore Math and online Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math. The concepts mastered include: number sense, geometry, statistics, algebra, logic and problem solving. Students focus on developing conceptual understandings of mathematics. Classroom instruction coupled with individualized instruction of online coursework targets each student’s progress. The online program prescribes lessons based on performance and mastery. Upon completion of grade 8, all students are expected to meet Algebra I standards. Science Our approach to science is experiential and hands-on in conjunction with the iScience series by McGrawHill, in earth, physical and life sciences. Students conduct experiments to build knowledge of scientific principals while mastering the scientific process. Our science curriculum includes how to use and develop technology—beginning with mastery of the Microsoft Office Suite and advancing to coding. Scientific processes and technology skills are applied across the curriculum in mathematics, language arts, social studies and religion. |
Religion and Social Studies
We present Religion and Social Studies as a combined course. Students work to build a relationship with God and an understanding of their unique purpose in the world. Social Studies and History lessons with the TCI series: History Alive, The Ancient World, The Medieval World and Beyond, and The U.S. through Industrialization provides a basis for students to analyze history through the lens of social justice and morality. Experiential learning with hands-on projects combine critical thinking and creative art skills. Language Arts Our English and Language Arts course utilizes a novel-based curriculum. Students engage in authentic literary experiences, developing a rich vocabulary and building reading skills. Daily writing combined with discussion of themes provides a rigorous method for interpreting all forms of literature. Electives Every student is enrolled in one of the electives courses. Electives present an opportunity to supplement academic studies with personal interests. Courses have included animation, robotics, outdoor survival skills, board games and student government. |
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Location: 4200 S. Mead Street, Seattle WA 98118 | 206.494.4708 Mail: PO Box 20730, Seattle, WA 98102 ©2022 Seattle Nativity School All Rights Reserved. Click here for our Non-Discrimination Policy |